Win one of five family season passes to Kalamunda Water Park through our Vac Care program!


Throughout the school holidays, YMCA WA has again had a fantastic time offering a wide range of exciting Vacation Care excursions and incursions for children – and there’s still plenty of fun activities coming up plus the chance to win one of five season passes to Kalamunda Water Park worth $175!

Last week one of the excursions was to Kalamunda Water Park, and our Outside School Hours Care Operations Coordinator Angela Toh was lucky enough to venture along with the group.

“The water park has been on our Vacation Care summer ‘to do’ list for many of our OSHC Centres, so I was happy to have the opportunity to see the staff and children at play,” Angela said.

“Being school holidays I was surprised that despite the crowds there was ample shaded resting or picnic spots for families with young children. There were several pools to explore including the toddler play area, the slightly deeper wading pools, and the large lane swimming pool with a deep end section,” Angela added.

Angela was most impressed by how much the water park catered for different age ranges.

“There was plenty of shallow water and loads of fun toys to play with in the kiddie pools, plus the older OSHC children loved the corkscrew and zig zag slides.”

Angela said she would ‘highly recommend’ visiting the water park, and if you’re a newly registering YMCA WA Vac Care family you can go in the draw to win one of five family swim and slide season passes.

All you have to do is register your child for one of our upcoming Vac Care, before school or after school care activities, and reference this post upon enrolling, to be in the draw to win one of the passes valued at $175! Please note the competition is for new registrations only, and the winners will be drawn on January 31st. Winners will be notified on February 1st. 

Despite school holidays nearing completion, YMCA WA has copious amounts of activities still to come, including but not limited to an African drumming incursion, and excursions to Outback Splash, Baldivis Children’s Forest, Caversham Wildlife Park, Robot Park and many more.

For more information, visit, click on your closest OSHC centre, and then select ‘Download the Summer Holidays Vacation Calendar’.  

Category: General